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Airtel Unlimited Browsing With N0.00k On Android Rocking With Psiphon Tweak

Airtel Unlimited Browsing With N0.00k On Android Rocking With Psiphon Tweak - welcome to the blog Gadget Blog we provide information about the latest gadgets, which we provide for you for a while, now we discuss about Airtel Unlimited Browsing With N0.00k On Android Rocking With Psiphon Tweak we have collected a lot of information about this article from many reliable sources, so please see:

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Airtel Unlimited Browsing With N0.00k On Android Rocking With Psiphon Tweak

Now it seems the tweaks are beginning to return with full force and we know that most of you will like this Airtel unlimited browsing tweak currently blazing like thunder on android devices.

The good thing about this latest Airtel Tweak is that it is working with most airtel SIMs, and might not work on few SIMs, so it is good news in all.

Without wasting time, here is the latest free browsing tweak setup on Airtel with N0.00

·     Make sure you have N0.00 on your Airtel SIM

·     Leave your phone’s  APN to the Airtel default APN

·    You need Psiphon, download here if you don’t have one already, otherwise proceed below with the one you have

·     If you downloaded new Psiphon, just go ahead with the setup, but if you are using the Psiphon you have on your phone, make sure you go to your Psipon app in the settings section of your phone and clear all Psiphon data

·     Now launch your Psiphon and come down and tick remove Port

·      Under it you will see Proxy Type, just tap and choose Real Host

·     Come down to Proxy Server and input

·     Scroll down to Real Proxy Type and select Defaultand scroll further the bottom and click Save.

·     Immediately you click save, a pop up message will appear requesting to use Tunnel whole device, just tap on the option to Tunnel Whole Device to bring you to the next phase

·     Here choose the Option Menu

·     Under this Option menu, you will see select region, tap and select USA

·     Still on the Option menu, you will see the More Option tab below, tap it and then come under proxy Settings and untick the Connect through an HTTP checkbox

·     Go back now to your Psiphon homepage and tap on Start button below and then wait for it to connect.

Viola you have started browsing and downloading free again.

Enjoy this tweak while it last

so much information about Airtel Unlimited Browsing With N0.00k On Android Rocking With Psiphon Tweak

just so much information about Airtel Unlimited Browsing With N0.00k On Android Rocking With Psiphon Tweak, hopefully can provide benefits for you,

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Related : Airtel Unlimited Browsing With N0.00k On Android Rocking With Psiphon Tweak

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