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Cortana is also going to be integrated into Search in Windows 10

Cortana is also going to be integrated into Search in Windows 10 - welcome to the blog Gadget Blog we provide information about the latest gadgets, which we provide for you for a while, now we discuss about Cortana is also going to be integrated into Search in Windows 10 we have collected a lot of information about this article from many reliable sources, so please see:

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Article Cortana, Article Microsoft, Article Tom Warren, Article Windows 10,

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Cortana is also going to be integrated into Search in Windows 10

After the official presentation of Windows 10, many people have many questions connected with the new features and specifications of the newest operating system. And one of the questions refers to the integration of Cortana into Windows 10, in answer to which Tom Warren provided everyone with a slight insight, noting,

“Microsoft’s new Windows 10 OS has a new search button on the taskbar, and Cortana currently appears at the top of that search functionality once it’s triggered. Just like Windows Phone, you can type to Cortana to ask it to remind you to do things, or to search for content locally in apps or on the web. Microsoft isn’t creating a separate app for Cortana on the desktop, it will essentially replace and complement the existing search experience that’s available in Windows 8.”

It is also said that the basic features will be officially introduced next year, to which we are really looking forward. 

so much information about Cortana is also going to be integrated into Search in Windows 10

just so much information about Cortana is also going to be integrated into Search in Windows 10, hopefully can provide benefits for you,

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