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C# Program to Print Triangles

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C# Program to Print Triangles

C# Program to Print Triangles

Program Statement:
Write a program to produce the following output:
A B C D E F     F E D C B A
A B C D E           E D C B A
A B C D                 D C B A
A B C                        C B A
A B                               B A
A                                      A

 static void Main(string[] args)
int a, x, n = 71, o = 70, y = 1, c;
for (x = 1; x <= 7; x++)
for (a = 65; a <= n; a++)
if (x == 2)
o = 70;
for (c = 2; c < y; c++)
Console.Write(" ");
for (a = o; a >= 65; a--)
y = y + 2;


so much information about C# Program to Print Triangles

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