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Movie and .avi Player for Android Phones

Movie and .avi Player for Android Phones - welcome to the blog Gadget Blog we provide information about the latest gadgets, which we provide for you for a while, now we discuss about Movie and .avi Player for Android Phones we have collected a lot of information about this article from many reliable sources, so please see:

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Article .ass, Article .avi, Article .mpl, Article .psb, Article .sami, Article .smi, Article .srt, Article .ssa, Article .sub, Article .txt, Article android phones, Article movie, Article player,

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Movie and .avi Player for Android Phones

The default video player in Android Phones doesn't supports .avi and other Movie file.

To play these on your phone, you need to download new video player.

Here is a good application that supports movie file.

MX Player
by J2 Interactive


I installed this to my Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread Version, and based on my experienced with this app, it successfully plays .avi files particulary movie files, and therefore will expect the same way to higher version of Android.

You may find that this app won't work as you open a file. If that happened, tap and hold the title of the movie you want to play until this popup window appears. Then tap Play using...

then tap S/W decoder

Take Note: You need to open your movie file on the app itself, if you open it directly to its directory folder, absolutely the system will say...

Another good feature of this application is that it can play subtitle.
Here is the list of the supported subtitle format.

.txt, .srt, .ssa, .ass, .smi, .sami, .sub, .mpl, .psb

- DVD, DVB, SSA/ASS Subtitle tracks.
- SubStation Alpha(.ssa/.ass) with full styling.
- SAMI(.smi/.sami) with ruby tag support.
- SubRip(.srt)
- MicroDVD(.sub/.txt)
- SubViewer2.0(.sub)
- MPL2(.mpl/.txt)
- PowerDivX(.psb/.txt)
- TMPlayer(.txt)

so much information about Movie and .avi Player for Android Phones

just so much information about Movie and .avi Player for Android Phones, hopefully can provide benefits for you,

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