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So this is what it feels like to have free time?

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So this is what it feels like to have free time?

I have nothing to do.

I haven't had anything to do, or at least needed to do, since 9:00 am.

I don't even know who I am anymore. Bella doesn't typically have free time.

I am more or less done with my first semester of college (yes, I started in the spring, and yes I am 20 but a freshman. Don't bother yourself with the minor details of my life.) Today, at 8:00 am, I took my final exam for psychology. All I have left to do is an in-class write evaluation of myself paper for English on Friday. Then I am done, done, done! I have to say, I ended up liking college more than I thought I would. a little iffy at times but I like to learn and I love to excel in all that I do. So this was a good semester.

But now I am done. I now longer have homework to do. I don't need to study pages and pages of psyc notes. It is a freeing feeling.

I got home today after my exam (and ate nachos. I ate cereal @ 6:30 am, but by 10  I was hungry again and nachos are good at all hours) and went into super productive mode, since I had nothing else to do. My bedroom and laundry hamper have been suffering from about 3 weeks of neglect (projects, papers, presentations and studying leading up to finals, plus a couple conferences had my full attention) so I went on a cleaning spree. Now that my 4 loads of laundry are done (obviously I put good grades as a higher priority than clean clothes), my entire closet is reorganized, my room is dusted and vacuumed, and I can again see the surface of my desk I feel much better about myself and my life. I love order.

Now this is the point where you ask me about my summer plans? And to that I will say "ha", if given half a chance or maybe even less. I pretty much do not have summer. And if I do it is this week, and then 3 weeks in August. What is that about? Well, in a week and a half I started *SUMMER CLASSES.*

Yes. I am crazy. And yes, I did do this to myself. Thank you.

Long story short I only took 2 classes this semester due to registration issues. So now I am trying to make up lost time and get ahead before the fall. So I will be spending my summer doing the math class I missed getting into this last semester, as well as 2 English classes (because I love English). Good times. Or potentially really not good times, but let's be optimistic...

Hopefully you will all see more of me in the next week or so. Sorry I have been a little lax about posting. Again, grades are a priority of the most highest. And hopefully I will not completely disappear after that until August. But no promises.

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